When to Call Inherited ProtoPrintFormat ViewSetupFormScript

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

When to Call Inherited ProtoPrintFormat ViewSetupFormScript (1/6/97)

Q: Does it matter when I call the inherited method in my protoPrintFormat:viewSetupFormScript()?

A: Yes, you must call the inherited method before doing anything else in the viewSetupFormScript.

Among other things, the inherited method sets up the page size. After calling the inherited method, you can call self:LocalBox() and get the correct page size. Note that you cannot rely on the protoPrintFormat.viewBounds slot value. To position subviews within the print format centered or "full" width or height, use view justifications like centered, right, and full, or use theEnclosingView:LocalBox() to determine the exact size of the enclosing view.