Recognition Problems with the Inspector Window Open

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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Recognition Problems with the Inspector Window Open (3/8/94)

Q: When I have the Inspector window open in NTK and I debug my application, recognition does not work properly and the Newton complains about lack of memory. However, when I disconnect the Inspector, recognition works fine. What is going on?

A: The NTK inspector window uses system memory on the Newton side; the Toolkit App itself makes use of MNP (a compression and error correction protocol) in the Newton, which uses a buffer shared with the recognition working memory.

Different releases of the Newton OS have different amounts of memory allocated for this shared area, so the problem may not be apparent on some units. However, if this happens you have several options:
• Disconnect the Inspector when testing the recognition side.
• Use the keyboard for text input while testing the code.
• Write shorter text items.