How to Test Your Application

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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How to Test Your Application (2/7/96)

Q: Before I ship my application, what should I test?

A: Although there is no complete answer, the following is a quick outline of things that should be tested to ensure compatibility with the Newton OS. Items that are OS or Locale specific are noted. Also note that this list only covers current Apple MessagePad devices.

This is something to help you think of other areas to test. Covering the areas in this list should improve the stability of your application, but is not guaranteed to make it stable and fool-proof.

This list does not cover the functionality of the application itself. That is, it is not a test plan for your application.

1. Versions (Latest supported system updates)
See Current versions of MessagePad devices in the Misc. Q&A

2. Basic Functional Testing
2.1. Launch and use app from internal RAM, memory card, locked memory card, in rotated mode

3. Data Manipulation
3.1. Create and store data in internal RAM
3.2. Create and store data to memory card
3.3. Delete data from internal RAM
3.4. Delete data from memory card
3.5. Move data from internal RAM to memory card and vice versa
3.6. Duplicate data
3.7. Find data with app frontmost
3.8. Find data in app using Find All from paperroll
3.9. Find data in all editable fields
3.10. Check the app name in the Find slip when "Selected" is checked, and check that the app name is correct for the radio button in the Find slip
3.11. If the app implements custom find, make sure other types of find (selected and everywhere) still work.
3.12. Select and Copy data to and from clipboard
3.13. Backup to memory card and restore to different Newton device. Verify that data is intact.
3.14. Backup via NBU and restore to different Newton device. Verify that data is intact.
3.15. File data into folders (if supported.)

4. Communications
4.1. Print data to serial printer and network printer
4.2. Fax data
4.3. Beam data to another 2.x Newton device
4.4. Beam data to a 1.x Newton
4.5. Backup and restore data and app to memory card
4.6. Backup and restore data and app with NBU

5. Exception Testing (all of the following should cause exceptions)
5.1. Create new data to locked memory card
5.2. Delete data from locked memory card
5.3. Move data from internal memory to locked card
5.4. Beam data to a Newton device that does not have the expected application
5.5. With application running from memory card, unlock card with application open.
5.6. With application installed on memory card, unlock card with application closed.
5.7. Install application on memory card, run application, create data, close application, remove memory card.
5.8. Turn power off while application is running (PowerOff handler?)
5.9. Attempt to create new data with store memory full.
5.10. Run application with low frames heap (us HeapShow to reserve memory)
5.11. If appropriate, run application with low system heap.

6. Misc.
6.1. Does application work if soup is entirely deleted from Storage folder in Extras?
6.2. Delete application. Does any part stay behind? (icons? menus? etc.)
6.3. Check store memory and frames heap, install application, check store memory and frames heap. Do this several times and check for consistency
6.4. Do 6.3. and also check store and frames memory after removing application. Is all/most of the memory restored?
6.5. Check frames heap. Launch & use application. Check heap. Close application. Check heap.
6.6. Does the application add anything to the Preferences App?
6.7. Does the application add Prefs and Help to the "i" icon?
6.8. Does the application add anything to Assist, How Do I?
6.9. Launch with pager card installed
6.10. Check layout issues on MP100 vs. MP110 screen sizes (if application runs in 1.x.)
6.11. If multiple applications are bundled together, open all at the same time, check to see that the applications together aren't using too much frames heap.
6.12. Open, use, and close the application many times. Check frames heap afterward to check for leaks.
6.13. If application has multiple components and components can be removed separately, verify that application does the right thing when components are missing.
6.14. Test application immediately after cold resets and warm resets.

7. Compatibility
7.1. After application is installed and run, do the built-in applications work:
Names, Dates, To Do List, Connection, InBox, OutBox, Calls, Calculator, Formulas, Time Zones, Clock, Styles, Help, Prefs, Owner Info, Setup, Writing Practice.
7.2. If the application can be the backdrop (this is the default case)
7.2.1 Do the built-in applications continue to work? The list is as in 7.1. and Extras.
7.2.2 Do printing and faxing work?
7.2.3 Run through the other tests in this document with your application as backdrop.
7.3. If the application can operate in the rotated mode
7.3.1. Perform all tests with the application in rotated mode as well.
7.3.2. Check that screen layouts look correct.