TieViews and Untying Them

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

TieViews and Untying Them (6/9/94)

Q: What triggers the pass of a message to a tied view? If I want to "untie" two views that have been tied with TieViews, do I simply remove the appropriate slots from the viewTie array?

A: The tied view's method will be executed as a result of the same actions that cause the main view's viewChangedScript to be called. This can happen without calling SetValue, for example, when the user writes into a view that has recognition enabled, the viewChangedScript will get called.

As of Newton 2.1 OS, there is no API for untying tied views. It may be wise to first check for the existance of an UntieViews function, and call it if it exists, but if it does not, removing the pair of elements from the tied view's viewTie array is fine.