Drawing White Text on a Filled Background

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

Drawing White Text on a Filled Background (1/15/97)

Q: I tried using vfFillWhite and kRGB_0 but neither seems to work. How do I draw white text?

A: kRGB_White has some unusual behavior. If you want a white-on-black effect then you will need to use one of two workarounds:

For white text on a filled background using a style frame, set your background to the desired shade using either the fill color of the view or a filled object (in other words, do not do this just by setting the color fill of the text). Then use the textPattern slot in the style frame to make the text black (kRGB_Black) and set the transferMode to modeBic.

For white text on black using the color slot of the viewFont frame, use kRGB_Gray1 for something that is as close to white as you can get.