MoreInfo 5.0 - Linked Information Demo Read Me Welcome to an exciting program for your Newton! MoreInfo(tm) is an application that greatly enhances the built-in applications in your Newton. MoreInfo seamlessly integrates the built-in applications in your Newton by allowing you to create and link together items from Names, Dates, Calls, Works docs, Sounds and Notes. After installing MoreInfo, you will truly feel you are using all of your Newton's capabilities to their fullest and with the greatest of ease. MoreInfo can be classified as an integrated contact manager, but actually, it is much, much more. MoreInfo is also a utility which greatly extends key features in your Newton making it a much more productive tool. MoreInfo is a also a scheduling tool that will help you manage your daily agenda. With MoreInfo you will be able to: * Link together any number of names, meetings, events, to-dos, calls, works docs, sound bites and notes from a single screen (PowerLinks). * Manage all of your meetings, events, to-dos and calls for a given time period from a single screen. (At a Glance) * View your schedule in a partitioned view or a day-by-day view. (At a Glance) * Consult your schedule a week at a time, with the ability to create new meetings or reschedule existing ones. * Consult entries performed in the past as well as upcoming scheduled entries for a person or company. (Logbook) * Automatically log sent e-mails and faxes for a person. * Link together related name cards and quickly navigate between them. (CardLinks) * Link ANY piece of Notepad stationery to a name, meeting, event, to do or call. (NoteLinks) * Link meetings, events, to-dos, call and notes to any name card. * Add additional information to a name card such as account info, a card abbreviation and travel directions. (abbreviations added for a person/company can then be used throughout the MoreInfo product such as in the At a Glance screen). * Use MoreInfo's enhanced alarm capabilities to not only inform you something is pending but will allow you to take action quickly and easily. * Navigate directly from the built-in Calls, Dates, or Notes application to linked items. * Tap on a meeting, event or to do from within the built-in Date Book and be presented with a popup list of frequently used commands. (HotDates) * Create a new name card quickly and include a reminder to finish it later. * Add a new call, name card or note from without leaving the Date Book. * Assign a deadline to a to-do and set an alarm with respect to that deadline. * And much, much more! MoreInfo does this by adding key features seamlessly throughout the built-in applications. We stress "seamless" because when using MoreInfo, it will appear that the features are all built-in to the applications. In the Name File, MoreInfo adds an additional button to the status bar. From this button, you can quickly add a new meeting, event, to-do or note for a person. You can also quickly place a new call to them. It also adds a new layout called the Logbook which allows you to manage all of the completed calls, logged entries, linked notes and upcoming meetings, events, to dos and calls for an individual person or company. With MoreInfo's At a Glance screen, you can view all of your meetings, events, to-dos and calls from one convenient screen for a time period you specify. Each item listed in the At a Glance screen is "hot." Tapping on one item instantly display either a popup list or window. For instance, tapping the link icon beside an entry in the At a Glance screen will display a popup list of all of the linked items. Tapping on the alarm icon with display a window which will allow you to edit the alarm for that entry. The At a Glance screen provides you with critical features at the time you need them most. When tapping on a To Do for a person, there is a good chance you will need to call them or schedule a meeting for them. MoreInfo allows you to do that instantly and with the least effort. At a Glance actually includes a second screen which we call the Day-by-Day view. By tapping on the overview button, the day-by-day view will then be displayed. It shows all of the same information as is shown in the partitioned view but separated by day rather than by type. One cannot miss the handy Week At a Glance view. It displays the meetings and events for a complete week. Within the Week At a Glance screen, you can easily schedule new meetings or reschedule existing ones. Entries created with MoreInfo can have an enhanced alarm attached to them. When an alarm is sounded, it can be snoozed for a specified amount of time. Once an alarm is snoozed, it is added as a pending event to a blinking star at the top of your Newton. This allows you to easily monitor and edit snoozed alarms (both pending alarms and snoozed alarms can be edited also from within the At a Glance screen). You also have the option to jump directly to the person in the Name File with whom the appointment, event, to do or call is with. The alarm window also allows you to edit the entry, place a call, link other entries or schedule a new meeting or to do. By setting a user preference, these alarms can also be made to repeatedly notify you every few minutes that an event is pending. A custom sound can also be assigned to an alarm by recording the sound. You can even make a custom sound a "system" sound. MoreInfo's Logbook allows you to view linked notes (Notepad stationery) and completed calls as well as upcoming meetings, events, to dos and calls for each person in your Name File. MoreInfo will automatically prompt you to log past appointments, events and completed To Dos. As in the At a Glance screen, each entry in the Logbook is "hot." Tapping on the icon for call, note, meeting, event or To Do will instantly popup a list of frequently used commands for that entry. Included in the popup list are convenient choices which allow you to create "follow-up" meetings or To Dos. This speeds up managing your schedule! From within the Date Book, MoreInfo adds a fantastic feature called HotDates. When a meeting, event or To Do is tapped on from within the Date Book, instead of the slip immediately coming up, MoreInfo displays a popup list of frequently used commands you can perform for that Date Book entry. MoreInfo also adds a custom slip within the Calls application. This slip makes phone calling quick and easy. The slip includes shortcuts to noting if a call has been placed as wll as other important notations. You can also link a name, meeting, event, to do, note or even another call through the link icon on the floating button bar. Calls can also have an enhanced alarm for them. This is very useful when you need to place a call at a certain time and need to be notified. MoreInfo also adds a new piece of stationery to the Notepad called the CardNote. The CardNote is the same as the standard Notepad note except that in the body of the note, you can quickly see the name of the person or company linked to that note. All linked notes can also be viewed and edited from the a person's Logbook. INSTALLATION MoreInfo includes seven separate Newton packages, but only two are required. The other five are optional. You can store each of the packages on whichever store you prefer (on a card or internal). There is no limitation as to where any of the packages must be stored. If however you wish to use the At a Glance screen as the backdrop application, you will need to store the At a Glance package internally since all backdrop applications must reside on the internal store. The packages can be installed in any order but it is recommended that MI5.pkg is installed first. The seven packages are (the names may be slightly different than how they are listed below): 1. MI5D.pkg - this is the main MoreInfo package. Once installed, it can be forgotten about. The only time you will need to tap on this package is to unlock your demo version. 2. AAG5.pkg - this is the "At a Glance" package. This is the powerful scheduling application that is part of MoreInfo. 3. MIPrefs.pkg - this is the application you use to tailor MoreInfo to your personal needs. Once you have completed setting your preferences, you can remove this from your Newton. MoreInfo does not need this package installed to operate. However, you might just want to keep it installed just in case you want to change a preference. 4. Quiet.pkg - this is a small application which when launched, will postpone any MoreInfo alarms that you have set for as long as Quiet is open. This is extremely handy if you are going into a meeting and do not want to be disturbed by ANY alarms. Close "Quiet" and any postponed alarms will be displayed. 5. QuietBtn.pkg - this is a backdrop auxiliary button which will toggle the Quiet application. Tap once to open "Quiet," tap again to close "Quiet." The icon displayed for this button is that of a speaker. 6. AAGBtn.pkg - this is a handy backdrop auxiliary button which when installed will add a button to your backdrop applications status bar. The button (displayed as an icon of a pair of eyeglasses) when tapped will display a calendar. Selecting a day or a series of days will open the At a Glance to that chosen time period. Tap and hold the button and the Week At a Glance screen will be displayed. 7. DatesBtn.pkg - this is a Button Bar button which when dragged into the button bar, is meant to replace the existing Dates button. It divides the button into two parts. When the icon is tapped, the At a Glance screen will be launched. When the bottom text portion of the button is tapped, the built-in Dates application will be launched (this is user configurable within the MI Prefs application). Once installed, MoreInfo is automatically activated and will: * Add an MI button to the Notepad status bar. * Adds a new piece of Notepad stationery which displays the linked name in the body of the note. (CardNotes) * Add an MI button to the background app if it supports auxiliary buttons. * Add a "Link to" menu option to the action button in the Notepad (envelope button) allowing you to use PowerLinks. * Add a "Link to" menu option to the action button in the Newton Works (envelope button) allowing you to use PowerLinks. * Add a custom calls slip (stationery) to the built-in Calls application for phone calls. * Add an MI button to the Name File status bar. * Add several new data options that can be added to a new card including CardLinks, card abbreviations, company info & travel directions. (Tap on the Add button from within the Name File.) * Adds a new Logbook layout to the Name File. (Tap on the Show button and select Logbook from within the Name File). * Enables HotDates within the Date Book. * Adds Call, Card and Note to the Date Book's New button. * Add a Convert and Copy option to the Call's action button. FILES INCLUDED IN THIS ARCHIVE: 1. This Read Me 2. MI5D.pkg 3. MIPrefs.pkg 4. AAG5.pkg 5. AAGBtn.pkg 6. Quiet.pkg 7. QuietBtn.pkg 8. DatesBtn.pkg 9. MI5Upd.pkg - for existing 4.0 users only. Updates all of the 4.0 data to 5.0. 10. MI4Users.txt - a special read me file for MoreInfo 4.X users. MoreInfo Demo Version This Demo Version of MoreInfo is fully functional! There is one important differences between this demo version and the real version. This demo version only allows you to use MoreInfo for 30 days from the time you first installed any version of MoreInfo. After those 30 days, the features MoreInfo adds will no longer be available. At any time, this demo version can be unlocked and made a full working version (see Unlocking MoreInfo demo outlined immediately below). Unlocking MoreInfo DEMO VERSION This Demo version of MoreInfo can be unlocked with an access key allowing you to convert it to a full working version. If you have decided you would like to purchase MoreInfo, go ahead and contact SilverWARE with your seed key to get your access key to unlock this demo version. To get your seed key, open the Extras Drawer and tap on the MoreInfo icon. This will display a window which will show you your seed key and also allow you to enter your individual access key. Once you have received your access key, go ahead and enter it in the access key field by first tapping the keyboard icon beside the access code field. This will display the built-in numeric keypad. Then go ahead and enter your access key and then tap the Unlock button. You will then get a conformation screen telling you have successfully unlocked MoreInfo. You only need to perform the unlocking procedure once. After you have unlocked the Demo version, you will then be able to download subsequent versions via your preferred online service and have it be a full working version. PowerNames SilverWARE is also the author of PowerNames. The current version of PowerNames is 2.15 integrates very well with MoreInfo and is a great companion product. If you have not yet tried PowerNames, now is a great time. With PowerNames, MoreInfo provides you several additional features. 1. MoreInfo will include in the "Who" popup in the new meeting, event, To Do and call slip a list of PowerName's recent and permanent names. (MI reads the PowerNames database). 2. When MoreInfo adds a new meeting, event, to do or call, it will add the associated name to PowerName's list of recent names. (MI saves to the PowerNames database by saving the new name to the list of recent names). IMPORTANT: Version 2.15 is meant only for MoreInfo 5.0 users. 2.15 does not add any new features above and beyond 2.14 but rather has just been updated to work with MoreInfo 5.0. FlightRecorder SilverWARE is also the author of FlightRecorder. FlightRecorder allows you to record your plane flights and have them appear within the built-in Date Book. MoreInfo 4.0 adds several new features to better integrate FlightRecorder. Tapping the MI button within the Name File or Notepad will allow you to create a new flight. Flights within the At a Glance screen and Logbook appear with their own custom airplane icon. Flight Recorder is a handy utility which works great with or without MoreInfo. HOW TO ORDER MoreInfo 5.0 is available from SilverWARE and sells for $84.95. Shipping and handling within the US is $6, international orders should contact us for shipping costs. MoreInfo is also available through retail stores and mail order companies. If your store does not sell MoreInfo, please have them give us a call. The product is available on a Macintosh or a Windows diskette. The product includes a 40 page manual describing all of MoreInfo's features in detail and a vinyl software portfolio to keep your diskette and manual. Those wishing to order with a credit card can contact SilverWARE at (978) 521-5262. We offer Airborne standard overnight delivery, if desired. Specific questions can be directed to SilverWARE via Internet, CompuServe, AOL, by phone or by fax. Mail, e-mail or fax orders should specify type of disk needed and an e-mail address, if available. Those ordering by mail or fax and using a credit card should include the credit card number, expiration date, name as it appears on the card and the billing address of the card holder, if it is different than the shipping address. COMPUSERVE USERS CompuServe users can purchase MoreInfo via CIS by typing GO SWREG at any ! prompt. MoreInfo 5.0 on a Macintosh diskette is registration number #9363 and MoreInfo 5.0 on a Windows diskette is registration number #9365. Users purchasing MoreInfo via SWREG will be mailed promptly the complete package containing diskette, manual and software portfolio. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DEMO VERSION This Demo version of MoreInfo can be freely distributed amongst fellow Newton users. It is required that the demo version always be accompanied by this text file and the other files included in the original archive. In addition, the demo package cannot be altered in any manner except as to compress it with a convenient compression program. Those parties wishing to distribute it cannot charge the receiver any fee except for the standard fees associated with downloading the package from an online service. All others are required to request the express written permission of SilverWARE. SilverWARE P.O. Box 300 Sudbury, MA 01776 USA Phone: (978) 579-9696 Fax: (978) 579-9699 AOL: Silverware CIS: 74774,3715 Internet: We accept Check/Money Order & Visa/Master Card /American Express and Discover. MoreInfo ©1994-1998. All Rights Reserved. MoreInfo and PowerNames are trademarks of SilverWARE Computer Software. CardLinks, CardNotes, HotDates and PowerLinks are trademarks of SilverWARE Computer Software Newton is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.