Super Newtris 2.0------------copyright 1997, Tactile Systems, Inc.copyright 1993, BugByte Inc. Updated by: Rob Bruce & Michael KrzyzekOriginally by: Kendall J. RedburnVersion Info------------2.0 Converted to a Newton OS 2.x application. Changed screen orginization. Added sounds.About-----Super Newtris is based on the classic game Tetris. A trip down nostalga lane for those who got hooked in the mid-eighties. For those new to the game, be sure you have alot of spare time in the near future.Playing-------Tap the New button and select what type of game to play. Simple: Basic game. Uses the standard pieces. With Zaps: Same as simple but adds a 'Bomb' piece that allows you to clear one square. Fill Up 1/3: Same as Zaps but put trash blocks in the bottom 1/3 of the screen. Fill Up 1/3: Same as Zaps but put trash blocks in the bottom 1/2 of the screen. Plus Extras: Same as Zaps but includes new types of pieces. With Blocker: Same as Zaps with a 'Blocker' piece moving across the bottom. If the blocker hits the bottom of the piece, the piece stops moving down and the blocker moves above the top of the piece. If the blocker hits the side of a piece it will remove a block from the piece.Once you pick an option pieces start falling from the top of the screen. You can adjust the piece until it hits the bottom or another piece.The next piece that will drop is displayed in the area above the arrows.Use the arrows on the bottom right of the screen to adjust the falling piece. The clockwise arrow rotates the piece clockwise, the counter clockwise arror rotates it counter clockwise. I'm pretty sure you can figure out what the left and right arrows do. The down arrow drops the piece at an increased speed.The Sound checkbox allows you to turn the sounds on and off.And the 'Pause' button, well um, it pauses the game.In the i button---------------About-----Tells you important information about who wrote it, as well as who, and what helped.Cost----Super Newtris costs $15 US. It will run for 7 days and then expire, unless it's paid for.You can register your copy by calling Tactile Systems at 303-841-1114. Or you can go to . Note that this is not a secure server.